Wednesday, July 25, 2012

AR-10 SWS Project


For my followers... understand that I am just getting this blog up and running. I have several projects in the works right now, that will all hit at one time. Juggling training at work, along with pictures and video is proving to be somewhat difficult...

I am working on a special AR-10 project, that I am helping design for Law Enforcement to be used as a Sniper Weapon System (SWS). This project is really coming along well. I ran into some over-gassing issues, due to the fact that I am running a suppressor on it. My heavy buffer from SLASH'S HEAVY BUFFERS along with my JP Enterprises adjustable gas block which will take care of my issue.

So far, this rifle (even OVER gassed) shoots better than I ever could have expected. I will debut this rifle as soon as I get the gas system tuned, and stable.

I started a thread on Sniper's Hide to showcase this project... but, I will be updating this blog from here on out. Click on the link to read the thread.

Me, shooting it from bipods at 100 yards off a wooden bench. They won't allow prone shooting at this range... 

The following group was fired using M118LR (7.62x51 NATO / 175 grain). The significance of this group is... I had the rifle completely apart two days before. Optic off, upper stripped to mill a wee bit more on the left side... put it all back together and fired. The first three rounds were consecutive, but I had a fail to eject... overgassing issue... so I pulled the bolt carrier out, to clean the chamber between round three and four. The last two were then fired... five shots at 100 yards. I will take this all day long.

Group that I typed about in the text above...

I have the SWS mounted on the Alamo Four Star DCLW Tripod in the following picture... this is a very nice setup for confined space shooting... or areal platform shooting.

My SWS with the Alamo Four Star DCLW Tripod / Brevis Suppressor

So, stay tuned folks... I will update this blog post as I gain some information. This is going to be a living / breathing blog thread, as this project takes off...

DMack out. (for now)

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